Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:46 AM

`time realli did fleww..

`study timeee

`time waits for no one. how truee

`when i got sick of blaw... =D

`pic of a pic in dad's office..

`at west mall on 2208 after blaw paper..

`the view for the past one week. dad's office. =X
2808 (fri):okk today. cma like bstats spoiled abit of my relaxing mood. the last paper always do. roar..
anw, left early frm exam hall today. couldnt do anyting more anww. ame and ade were waiting for beng to come down so can see how much he slimmed and botak-ed. haha. after tt, went town wif zz, kq, mnh, beng, mw, tsehwee and fion. had lunch at BK. and played zhong ji mi ma wif the leftover food combined wif zz as usual. so er, i was spared. =D
after tt, waited for THE ONE to open. went in at abt 2 plus when they opened for biz. sang till.. 5 plus then fion n me left first. but PS-ed in mnh's language. tsk!! reached sch at 6 plus. damn shagged sia. esp when i didnt slp last nite. lucky was on the phone wif mw n beng, tt kept my sanity.
anw selections was.. expected? lost to both shi hui(5,0) n jasmine(1,2). yup, expected. but at least no guang dan. =D

`the disgusting forfeit at BK, by none other than pzz. lol

`mw.. with me n fion's peach drink! twin towers.. ok not funy.

`pzz as usuallll
`stupidest hallway ever. IT LEADS TO NO WHERE.
`mw. when the lyrics got tooo small for him. LOL..
Monday, August 14, 2006 7:49 PM
today.. LOL. Didn’t expect it to turn out liddat one. really.. LOL. Ok.. morning woke up at 0830!! For bf wif dad, the price.. and im regretted, cos im so sleepy now. anw after tt met up wif fion and went for blaw revision tutorial. Was jus a Q&A qn la. and fion said she wont go if not for the fact that she needa pass me the birkens. LOL.
Thans lookalike!! And for waiting wif me too!! =D
After tt… hahahha. The nice part. Met up wif skye n jasmine at can 1, and was made to guess which was kai-er’s bro car.. I was right!! anw waited for shi hui’s call and went block 27 there to pick her up. After tt went lot 1, cos I needa pass bel her shoe and have our lunch. So ate wif her at LETS EAT. The hor fun not nice le!! Tink cos change mgt.. sian. After tt she rushed down to shi lin to work. And was somehow playing cat and mouse wif my mom.-_-. Ok anw, my mum left, bel went for work (after gg wif her to buy a dozen cans of mushrooms.. ) and went baq to food court to look for skye, jasmine and shi hui. Thinking baq, im sure glad tt I no need to take 67 all the way with tt 4 boxes of shoes..
thans kai-er!! After tt, went Stephen house pick him up. LOL. He was damn shocked to see jasmine n me at his doorstep, while skye and shi hui ‘doing their act’ hahaha. Okok anw, after tt went down to jurong east there to some building, cos Stephen needa repair phone..And we left the building like 1 hour plus later, cos needa wait maaa. Was playing games and all. Haha. after tt, went down to PS for skye to return his SCV cable ad stuff, after tt went home. =DD so in short, it’s a GAI GAI day. haha. we should do it more often!! But after the 25th of aug PLS!! =D
ohya, and tb24.. 25th aug after 11 am kbox @ MS anyone?? =DDps: the following pics are all taken byy our dear mr zhuo, except for 1 or 2. ha

`tis is by me.. his flag is torn!! tsk tsk..

`oso by mee. -_- but so gay!! stephen wearing my shoeeee...

`by him...

`by me.. poor aiming.. i noe. anw those who didnt wana take is left out. LOL.

`by stephen againnn.. while waiting for skyee

`and another.. tink he wan ppl to differentiate bet tis and..

`tis. ( and and another) qn:wich is toe, wich is thumb? -.-

`and and AND another, dunno wad issit thou....
Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:53 PM
today (read: ystd).. at least we managed to watch a little of the fireworks. The trip was nice too. Lol. Would hav been nicer if i wasn’t worrying abt the ‘concert’ I would get when I reach home.
Ok starting, zj n skye came and pick me up at abt 4 plus. Shiok-ness!! =D went down to town and walk walk. Sian. Haha, but I mus admit their gay-ing was QUITE entertaining. Lol. Walked aimlessly at heeren, then to taka then to cine. Saw trina and her bf at taka too.. decided on pasta for dinner. But waited for yu ting till almost 7 I tink. and we were so bored as to go up to cine’s arcade ( I didn’t noe there was on up there. LOL) and saw seb and his gang playing table soccer. LOL. And later saw them AGAIN at town at 11 plus. After tt walk here walk there walk everywhere of cine. Haha. and was taken for as a guinea pig since I was the only gal there. But for a GOOD cause, so its ok. no need commission. LOL.
Was waiting for yu ting at pasta, she reached. The guys went and ordered while we took pics on kai-er’s phone and put as his wallpaper, but he found out sooner than we tot. LOL. Oh well. And he’s so damn sick, wu-er would have the strength to save kai-er if he faint!! LOL. Ok. then after tt.. took bus. My SMART advice. Should’ve taken train since its nearer to the bridge shi hui and her gang was at. Oh well. Reached MS like 0745. the guys went toilet for the second time today, when I didn’t even go once. Lol. Met up wif Stephen and serene near esplanade and started out trek towards the bridge. FREAKING A LOT OF PPL. And I saw wad fion meant by the MS steps become national stadium sia!! mayb is becos wif retards always reach there earlier or issit few days of fireworks ppl then go down and watch. Seriously damn a lot of ppl. Almost melted!! Finally we reach the end of the bridge, but is really sui xie bu tong!! So in the end zj went up to pass mike and shi hui their I tink rotting BK dinner. Lol. And we saw sam too. Lol. In the end we settled for a spot near esplanade, wif palm trees blocking our view. Oh well, better than nth!! So 080806’s seat is really AAA man!!
After tt, waitied for the crowd to thin a teeny winy bit and went and meet zj they all at some ljs. On the way we were playing qing wa qing wa tiao, thans to Stephen. And kai-er’s $30 trick. Entertained, so it wasn’t as long a way as it seems. But in the end we walk till abt park mall there I tink, and took a bus to art park there. And while waiting got zj n mike, we were taking pic. With shi hui’s set-up tripod. LOL man. Cant really say cam whore la. but.. tripod at town.. COOL. After tt walked to the car park, on the way we played qing wa2 tiao again!! LOL. Record was abt 17 I tink. limit le. Hahahah. So Stephen, shi hui, serene, zj n I squeezed into kai-er’s car. And the parking fee was $10.20!!! pengs. Cash card not enough money, so top up. Sent shi hui home first, then me, then serene then zj and lastly Stephen. Thans kai-er!! =DD and tts how I got home at almost 12.but SURPRISINGLY, dad was watching tv (gave me THE stare, but tt was all) and mum was slping. So concert adjourned to tml I guess. But till now. IM SAFE!! PHEW. Hahah. Anw mugging time!! and I wan the pics shi hui!!

`the tripod!! LOL. =D
Wednesday, August 09, 2006 12:17 PM

`fion's nice clapper. nicest among our 3.

`her small hand. haha

`tsehwee's shi zhi jiao cha. lol

`the triangle 'fountain' clifton n me went 2nd floor to take while waitin for our food. =D


`the nite scene


`<3-shaped style="CURSOR: hand" alt="" src="" border="0">


`clifton wif the models

`guess how i took tis! =D

`the walkway we cam-whored!!!!! =D

`the oriental.
Monday, August 07, 2006 10:48 PM
formal presentation, wore the suit I wore one 4th dec 05. the day he wanted to see us in formal, but his class ended earlier. Not fated. Didn’t rember the date, went check out tt msg. oh well. And it was on the 4th floor smore. the floor one of the day of the week he used to have lesson on tt same floor, at the same time. I tink. the floor thea saw him once walked past our classroom while she was on the way to the toilet and ran baq to tell me. Really miss those times. not wanting to go baq, yet not wanting to let the memories fade. Really.
k anw. Was supposed to go west mall for the 0250 ‘click’ but my presentation session ended like at 3, so changed place to causeway 0325 show. When Clifton was already at west mall waiting for us. Lucky he didn’t have enough money to pay for the tickets, otherwise wan change place oso canot. I seriously to the was gg to kill me man. =X Cabbed down with jasmine cos late, at least I tot so. But was lucky we did, cos otherwise really late. Bought the tickets like at 0328. haha. show was not bad la. didn’t expect it to be so touching. But was really damn ROAR when it turned out to be a ‘dream’ at the end. But well it was a good ending.
Tml, full day. as in fmgt tutorial, hrm revision lecture, cma tutorial. Skip halfway go convention watch ND performance. After that… FIREWORKS!! =D lets all put off studying till wed. but still gotta complete fmgt now. roar. when my eyes are like shutting…